The Photography Club of Sun City Hilton Head offers educational opportunities through instructor led classes in 3 semesters: fall, winter and spring. Classes provide education on photography fundamentals, advanced photographic techniques, camera hardware, software and post-processing techniques, composition, color, phone camera photography and so much more. Class sessions are announced prior to registration for review before registration opens. All classes are $5.00 and charged to your CAM. Additionally, free pop-up classes are offered during the summer. Emails are sent to membership approximately two weeks prior to a pop-up class
Sign up for a FREE Orientation session! These sessions are geared towards new (or newer) Photography Club members and will introduce you to the studio and the many facets of our club. Sessions are usually led by the club’s President, with introductions provided by the club’s officers and leadership team. These sessions are held from 10am – 12pm at the club’s studio, typically on the last Monday of each month from January through May and then again September through December.
1) Review your calendar for availability before selecting a class.
2) Choose the class(es) you want. Classes are identified as:
General Registration (32) – “first come first served.”
Random Draw (2) – Register between January 20 through January 22. On January 23, the computer will randomly select registrants who are eligible to participate in the class. Availability for participation is not dependent upon the quickest registration but an equal chance for all. After the draw, all registrants will be emailed with their registration status.
Closed for Registration (2) – Based on the number of waitlisted students from previous semesters, there will no (or little) room left for general registration. If there are remaining seats available after the waitlisted students from previous semesters are offered a seat, the remaining seats will be placed in a Random Draw status on registration day.
Pop-ups (4) – These classes are free and will be announced during a separate ListServ email with reservations on a first come first served basis – generally two weeks before the class.
3) Click on the registration link above to complete the registration form.
4) Submit. You will receive an email confirming your registration status as either successful or waitlisted.
Email The Education Committee hopes these classes start you on your journey of stretching your imagination & developing a personal vision with more creative and expressive images.
Contact Cindy Fiano with any questions concerning education.
Copyright © Photography Club Of Sun City. All Rights Reserved.
Photography Club Of Sun City
We welcome all seasonal & full-time residents of Sun City Hilton Head. Prospective members may attend up to three meetings as guests, after which they must be paid members, in accordance with Sun City Community Association policy.