Members that are looking for friends to shoot with.

Email: pcschhwebsite@gmail.com with contact information if you want to be added to this page.

Bob Lawner
Email : boblenore@gmail.com
Phone: 843-707-9288
Camera: Canon Mirrorless

I am open to all types of photography but I especially like wildlife and nature. I also like to try Macro occasionally.  I have Canon Mirrorless cameras.

Mike Davis
Email : sebring40@yahoo.com
Phone: 678-778-2733 leave a VM or text for I don’t answer out of town numbers.
Camera: Nikon with assorted lens.

Willing to share the driving/cost of trip with others.

Joanna DeStefano
Email: Jodestefano366@gmail.com
Phone: 843-645-0859

I’m a novice and interested in photography and learning with the use of my cell phone which is an android. I’m inspired to purchase a camera one day!